Summer is in full swing!  Time for longer evenings by the pool, BBQs with friends and family, and more travel.  How can you keep your #optimalhealth goals while still enjoying more freedom and fun in the warm weather?  We have a whole series lined up for you on living healthy in the summer!

As we begin our #healthysummer series, let’s focus on one of the most important issues we have not only in the summer, but all year long! Hydration!

Know the signs

We all know we need to drink water.  That’s a given!  But how do you know if you’re not drinking ENOUGH?  Here are some clear signs to watch for.

Not just water… but that’s the best option!

You can boost your hydration with other things besides water, though that is of course the #1 option!  Here are a few other tips on staying hydrated from Tony Horton!


Learn the background stuff.

Ok, so science may not be your top hobby, but there’s some important information about hydration that gives you a better picture on why it’s so vital!  Here’s a rundown for you.