Did you know that Dr. Jeffry Life’s journey to #optimalhealth began with a contest?  That’s right!  Nearly 20 years ago, Dr. Life began his incredible transformation from a fairly typical 50-something man who was dealing with an expanding waistline, slow metabolism, and lethargic-feeling life.

Here is what Dr. Life’s success through the Body for Life challenge looked like:

With clothes that were too tight, aching muscles and a borderline diabetic, Dr. Life felt his life was out of control and was a poor role model to his family and patients. Before completing the Challenge, Dr. Life used to eat foods high in carbs, ate only one or two meals a day and consumed a lot of calories after 9 p.m. Now, Dr. Life makes good nutrition and regular exercise a part of his daily life. “It’s the combination of exercise and healthy nutrition that gives me the energy and desire to aggressively pursue my goals,” Dr. Life says. “I have not only been able to maintain my level of fitness with the Program, but the changes I have made from the Challenge has given me the motivation to refocus my life and career.” A big reward for Dr. Life was dropping his body fat from 25 percent to 8 percent in 12 weeks, but his biggest reward was the changes he made with his body and mind. “I have gone from fat, aging, tired and poorly motivated to one that is lean, strong, energized and highly motivated with an incredible zest for life and love. If I can do this in my 60s, I truly believe anybody can do it!”

This is what Dr. Life continues to do with his patients today in his practice, help them to both dream and achieve #optimalhealth for life!  Give him a call today for your personal consultation and get on the road to the best years of your life!!