We’ve talked a lot at DrLife.com about how your health has more to do with the whole of your person, body, mind, and soul than with just a good exercise routine. This knowledge and belief is one of the reasons Dr. Life is now working with the Apeiron Center and Dr. Dan Stickler! The Apeiron Center fully integrates all aspect of human potential into their program and helps clients achieve the highest state of health in all areas of life. Read a little more below and find out about this inclusive program and holistic health.
Seven Foundational Aspects of Health
The Apeiron Center works with clients to train them in each of these seven aspects of health in order to achieve a high quality of life and an incredible human potential. You can see the seven areas in the infographic above, including brain, environment, movement, hormones, nutrition, stress, and sleep. Dr. Life and the Apeiron staff work with clients on an individual basis to understand the unique genetic makeup of each client in order to understand the ideal level of funcionality and improvement for each of these seven areas.
Six Optimized Aspects of Life
Once these seven areas are fully funcional and the client is displaying a robust quality of life, Dr. Life and the staff at Apeiron can then assume the task of optimizing six additional aspects of life. These include transcend, limitlessness, conscious, creation, youthful longevity, strength, and flow. With these in place, each client can expect to reach incredible heights of #optimalhealth and achieve more through their lives than ever before imagined.
How About You?
Does this sound like something which interests you? Click here to learn more about Apeiron and the caring staff of which Dr. Life is now an integral member. Give Dr. Life a call to schedule a consultation for yourself and understand how your life could be better than ever before as a result of these amazing opportunities to understand your unique makeup and the genetic clues to your best life ever.